Saints Row is pretty happy to let you change up your character's looks at any time. Saints Row in-game character customisation You can also customise the colours and material of each item of clothing, and many clothing items are layerable with items from different sub-categories (i.e. Upper: Shirts, Jackets, Necklaces, Underwear, Hands, Wrists, and Wingsuit.Head: Helmets, Hats, Upper Face, and Lower Face.But now you also have the opportunity to customise their clothing under the newly-unlocked Outfit category, which includes: So, if something about your character wasn't working for you once you saw them in-game, you at least have an early opportunity to change them. This is nominally the point where you get to choose a starting outfit for your Boss, but you can in fact edit any aspect of their appearance at this point too. However, it's worth knowing that you'll be taken to the character creation screen for a second time once you finish the tutorial mission. Personality: Voice, Emote 1, and Emote 2.(Note that this category will be empty upon initial character creation see "in-game customisation" below for how to give your character tattoos.) Tattoos: Head, Arms, Torso, Back, and Legs.Face: Complexion, Wrinkles, Face Scars, Accessories, and Makeup.You also have the option here to toggle Symmetrical facial features off, allowing you to customise either side of your character's face independently. Head: Head Shape, Forehead, Brows, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Cheeks, Mouth, Teeth, Jaw, and Chin.Hair: Hair Style/Color, Glossiness, Facial Hair, Eyebrows, and Eyelashes.Skin: Skin Types, Skin Tint, Muscle Definition, Veins, Glossiness, Body Scars, and Skin Details.(The latter allows you to customise your nudity settings for the game - you can force underwear, toggle nipples on and off, or choose from a wide selection of humorous stickers to cover your character's essentials.) Body: Build, Figure, Chest Size, Groin Size, Prosthetics, and Modesty.Bosses: Here you can select from some preset appearances for your character, or import saved creations from the Boss Factory.Here, you'll be able to completely customise your Boss's physical appearance under the following categories: You'll first encounter the Saints Row character creation screen a few minutes into the opening cutscene. Watch on YouTube Saints Row character creation Liam recently chatted to Alice about their favourite thing in Saints Row.